We keep in close contact with trusted suppliers across Southeast Asia and use every resource available to obtain the purest kratom on the planet. Because of our reputation, Indonesian suppliers are eager to provide us with boutique quality powder from the oldest and most private farms. Before adding any new products to our brand, we test samples for content, strength, purity, and biological, heavy metal, and pesticide contaminants. If at any point a sample does not meet our exact criteria, we reject it outright.
Once a new product has been through our rigorous testing regimen, we travel to Indonesia to meet with farmers, visit the farms, and inspect supplier’s facilities to ensure that our raw materials are cared for with the same respect and dignity we follow at Experience. We also carefully examine the plants in their native habitat to observe the soil, age, varietal, and environmental conditions in the area. We travel to Indonesia at least three times a year to meet with local farmers, share news from overseas, and relay the importance of quality standards.